This will definitely bring a lot of good in the future in the form of leads and contact inquiries Quality not quantity of links website links and positioning Quality of links the times of mass links are definitely becoming a thing of the past. However some agencies and individuals still use these techniques. If something works there is a reason for it but by using mass amounts of links we can definitely harm the search engine and the Google Penguin algorithm and lose the ranking for a very long time.
Is it worth the risk? In my opinion no. While this is still justified in the case of affiliation in the case of companies or online stores a much better solution is systematic activities to acquire high-quality links which will bring real results in the long term. Summary The quality photo retouching of links is very important. This is the Google algorithm and it won't change anytime soon. What links are worth acquiring? Thematic on high-authority various sources e.g. forums comments. Of course it is worth having a dofollow link but you should also have nofollow links from thematic websites. You have no idea how to make a good link to position your website.
Check out our article HERE analytics analyst Analytics of the future is analytics. We are talking here not only about your own website's data but also about competitive analysis. We can already observe differentranking factors for different industries. Example for a local electrician a more important factor will be the number of connections with a given address and the business card in Google My Business while for a store UX and page loading speed will be more important. Summary We can already observe an increase in interest in R programming language and Google Data Studio or external programs such as Surfer Senuto at the largest events.