Finally, do not forget that once the purchase has been made, the process does not end. The prosumer has not finished his intervention: the experience of the product or service will be shared with the rest of the users and a good opinion will achieve another future purchase by that customer and others who read his comment and decide again on the option.
same brand. Tips to win at ZMOT 1. Be there when they Phone Number List need you It is essential that you are able to detect at what key moments the user purchases . about swimsuits during the Christmas campaign if you have discovered that your users only buy in the months leading up to summer. Be able to detect your own and your competition's sales peaks and make the path easier for the customer. 2. Focus on website information It is important that users find all the information they need on your site , so that they do not have the need to leave it once they have entered.

The information must be extensive, so that it resolves all doubts about the product, as well as clear, so that you do not have to contact customer service or search on another website where you can better understand what characteristics the product has. 3. Create valuable content for your users It is important that you are constantly in the consumer's mind , for this, social networks or blog posts can be useful to accompany the user so that they do not forget that you exist.