The National Convention of the PP ended yesterday, Sunday, with a speech by Rubalcaba. The weekend also served to showcase the party's closeness to the victims of ETA. However, the conclave left other details that are less known, but very relevant for the future of the party. According to what national leaders of the PP who were able to speak for a long time with Mariano Rajoy told El Confidencial Digital , the president explained that the party needed an act like this “to reaffirm what we are doing and continue with confidence .” The head of the Executive, who was very critical in his final speech with Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, privately explained to his people that “our priority must be to govern and not enter into debates .” “You can negotiate with the opposition, but there are times, like with the Transparency Law, that it is a waste of time.” Those present, including Rajoy, were very upset that Ferraz attempted to "counterprogram" the Convention with an event by Rubalcaba in the Basque Country talking about "the destruction of the PP." This attitude of the head of the opposition “ could have influenced the president” when it came to attacking the general secretary of the PSOE . Lunch with regional leaders The President of the Government took advantage of the National Convention to send a message of confidence and tranquility to the party leaders. For this reason, he called all the regional leaders to a lunch with him, at noon on Saturday , to analyze the situation of the PP.
At that meeting, the head of the Executive assured that “ the initials of our party are above particular names .” Without citing Vox , he wanted to reassure those present about a possible loss of votes due to the appearance of this party: “ We, our name, represents the center-right that exists in Spain . We are the reference, and our voters are going to continue by our side.” The candidate for the European elections will be known in about 10 days Phone Number List One of the questions that were not cleared up, at least officially, in this National Convention, is the name of the head of the PP list for the European elections of May 2014. Sources very close to Mariano Rajoy explain that “the president knew that this was not the forum to announce any of that.” However, they point out that there will be news in a very short time: “ In ten days at most, although it may be next week, the name of the candidate will be known .” The name of Miguel Arias Cañete is the one that has been most popular as successor to Jaime Mayor Oreja, and some contents of the Convention seemed to be intended to promote the figure of the Minister of the Environment: “The forum in which the aid from the Ministry to the 8 million Spaniards in the rural world is a good clue as to where Rajoy is leaning." [OBJECT]Cospedal did not reduce the tension with Aznar The absences of the aforementioned Mayor Oreja and José María Aznar, together with the departure of Alejo Vidal-Quadras from the party, caused the Convention to begin with a more tense atmosphere than expected.

María Dolores de Cospedal did not try to diminish that feeling , as she always used the same 'tag' to refer to the former president of the Government. According to the sources consulted, the general secretary always limited herself to saying, ironically, “she couldn't come…” Some leaders of the PP, with whom this newspaper has contacted, blame the 'number two' of the party for “tensifying things more” with José María Aznar: “It is not normal that he did not make any mention of his figure in his two interventions, especially considering that we were in their land.” Esperanza Aguirre, always surrounded by journalists Much was expected of Esperanza Aguirre's reaction to the absences already mentioned in the Convention and to the Government's position, defended during the Convention, regarding anti-terrorist policy. The former president of the Community of Madrid did not hide and assured that “ ETA is not finished, as some in my party think .” Aguirre, “who was accompanied by more journalists than Mariano Rajoy himself ,” responded in this way to Friday's speeches, in which each and every one of the speakers spoke of the Government's progress in the fight against ETA and in defense of the victims. Arantza Quiroga's speech In that round of interventions on Friday, Arantza Quiroga's words stood out above all, winning " one of the great ovations of the weekend , along with Mariano Rajoy. and the vice president congratulated him for the closeness he always showed with the victims.