All those who have small blogs or websites can easily use this WordPress plugin. Setting a schedule for your posts is also possible with Revive Old Posts WordPress plugin. It will automatically publish all your posts and pages on social media. Pros Revive Old Posts is an open-source WordPress plugin. It is an easy-to-use plugin with zero complexities. It automatically includes Google Analytics. You can easily share posts from RSS feed to Facebook, or many other social media platforms. Cons Expert WordPress users may find Revive Old Posts a little basic to use.
Active Installations Tested Up To WordPress Version: . or higher Supports Languages: . Simple Social Media Share Buttons – Social Sharing for Everyone simple social media share buttons Social Sharing for Everyone is a stunning option to use social media for capturing Digital Marketing Service users’ attention. However, WordPress professionals consider this plugin quite easy to use. Moreover, the kind of features that can help you promote your content on social platforms, has all. So, you will surely love this plugin. It is easily available in multiple languages.

Of course, that makes it easy for you to use it even if you are not a native English speaker. Features of Simple Social Media Share Buttons – Social Sharing for Everyone Social Sharing for Everyone WordPress plugin is fully customizable. It’s up to you where you wish to include the social icons i.e. on the left, right sidebars with animation. Showing or hiding social share buttons on mobile devices is totally your choice. Even on the pop-ups, you can have social share buttons. You can easily display the total share count. That’s informative.