It is surprising how little attention is paid to the page title tag and meta description tag during the website design phase. In fact, when it comes down to it, few web designers - let alone web owners - are aware of the full details of these tags, beyond the very basic concepts. However, both the title tag and meta description are very important in terms of attracting visitors to the site and increasing the natural search rate through clicks. In this article, we will define these terms and examine why these tags are the main elements in effective website design, the details of how to write attractive tags, and what should be avoided from a design and marketing perspective. It also includes When performing a search in any of the major search engines, the search results are presented with the most relevant websites, which are displayed in descending order.
On the Google site, the content of each page is presented with a title with a large telephone number list blue font and a description with a smaller black font. In the specialized terminology of website design, the blue text is the title tag and the black text is the meta description tag, both tags can be found in the site's html code. At first glance, it seems that both the Yahoo site and the Bing site display the search results like the Google site, with the same blue-black font naming. But the appearance of the subject may be deceptive; Although all three sites may look similar, there are three subtle differences that you should be aware of. The first major difference is the length of the writing line. The length of the text line changes according to the conditions and rules of the search sites, now Google displays 70 characters for the title tag and 150 characters for the description meta tag.

Yahoo and Bing display 72 and 65 characters respectively for the title tag and 161 and 150 characters for the description meta tag. These issues are important issues to be aware of, because not complying with the restrictions will lead to search engines removing part of the display text, which will definitely be useless in terms of attracting visitors. The second notable difference refers to which words are bolded in the page title tag. All search engines display the keywords of the search term in bold. For example, a search for "website design" results in this search query being highlighted, both in the title tag and in the meta tag. Google is only satisfied with this way of working. But in addition to bolding the actual keywords, Yahoo also uses a geographic coordinates algorithm to show the city where the search was performed in bold.