Will make it easier for you to later assess the effectiveness of your advertising activities. We will go through the ad set step by step and briefly describe the available options. This means you don't have to (and shouldn't!) create a separate campaign for each new ad you plan to run. You can create 50 ad sets in one Facebook advertising settings, FB ads, Facebook advertising settings, FB ads, Facebook advertising.
Audience group Facebook If you did not name the set in the previous steps, you can also do it from this level. The next step is the budget settings - you can choose a total or daily budget. With a total budget, you will need to set an end date for your campaign. Facebook phone number list will decide how much of the amount declared for the entire period to spend on a given day. If you select a daily budget and do not check the "set end date" option.

The campaign will run continuously and spend the amount you specify each day until you manually stop the set. It is worth being careful about this, because by default this option is hidden and it is easy to spend more than intended.If you have decided on a total budget, you can schedule your ads to be displayed at specific times and on specific days of the week. To do this, expand the "select more options" menu (it is hidden by default.